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Our Services

Personalized Care and Guidance

Aura Cleansing with Sage,
With Jamie or Hannah
£20 30mins


Our Aura Cleansing service is a powerful way to clear away negative energy and restore balance in your mind and body. We combine the Native American tradition of smudging with energy aura cleansing to purify your aura and remove any heavy or negative energy or remove any attachments you think you may have.  Our service will leave you feeling refreshed and empowered 

Reiki Healing
With Jamie or Hannah
45mins - 1hour

Reiki is a Japanese technique for healing and reduces stress which promotes relaxation. ‘Universal life energy’, a term used to describe a system of natural healing founded by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive therapy that aims to restore balance and harmony, bringing us into balance and to reinforce the body’s natural ability to heal itself at all levels, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

Reiki Healing with
Aura Cleansing or Chakra tune up with Jamie or Hannah

1hour - 90 mins

Our unique Reiki Healing with Aura Cleansing service is the perfect choice for those looking to improve their spiritual health. Combining aura cleansing and a blast of reiki healing, this service helps to cleanse and balance the chakras, allowing for a more harmonious and balanced energy flow. The result is a more peaceful and relaxed mind that can help you feel more relaxed and energised as you move forward into a brighter future.

Animal Reiki
With Hannah
45mins - 1hour

Reiki Levels 1-3
With Hannah

Chakra tune up 
with Jamie
30 mins

Hannah is a Certified Animal Reiki Practitioner / Master as well as a Vet Nurse, meaning your furry friends will be in good hands! Animal Reiki is the perfect way to provide your pet with a healing energy treatment. Reiki is a gentle yet powerful form of energy healing that can help to promote natural healing, reduce stress and anxiety, and enhance overall wellness. It is a great complement to traditional veterinary care and can help to keep your pet in optimal health. Treat your pet to a blast of reiki and give them the gift of healing energy and see the benefits for yourself. 

 Want to learn the art of reiki healing? These courses are available for small groups or one-on-one, so that you can learn at your own pace and discover the power of reiki healing. Hannah will provide you with the tools and techniques to become a certified reiki practitioner.

Please contact us for more information.

If you're feeling out of balance or have blocked energy , Jamie's Chakra Tune Up service is here to help. Using sound and energy healing, he can help you get your chakras back into alignment and shift blocked energy or emotions so your energy can flow freely allowing you to reach your highest potential.

1 Weeks 
Distance healing 


If you can't travel or just fancy a healing boost, our distant healing service is the perfect solution. We channel Reiki healing energy from a distance to support your healing process, creating a sense of relaxation and wellbeing. All you need to do is sit back and relax in the comfort of your own home. All we need is your name and a photo so we can link into your energy.

At KSC, we are dedicated to providing a range of spiritual services to support you in your journey. We are continuously expanding our services, so please check back regularly to stay updated on our offerings. 

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